hotstry4.txt The small noises she heard in the other room were driving her curiosity to a ravaged peak. He had come up with SO many surprizes so far... What was going on now? She mused on the thought, and decided the ONLY way she would know was to get her ass out of the tub and go see..... As she rinsed off, and prepared to get out of the tub, he walked into the bath. "Have a nice bath?" he said, making her jump at the sound. She turned and said "Oh, yes! It was marvelous! I was just sitting here listening to.." "Shhhhh..." he cut her off. "Let me help you dry off..." He grabbed on of the huge fluffy towels on the rack, and began to pat dry her body. Careful to dry all of her, he finished, and produced the robe which was before at the foot of the bed. "I thought you might like a little supper before....well, I thought you were hungry. Come." He took her hand and led her into the big room. She gasped a little at what she saw. The floor of the room had been transposed into a small dining area, complete with plates, glasses, table cloth, and everything one would find at the best dining areas. The shadows produced by the twin candles danced around the objects on the floor, skirting this way and that. A silver wine bucket held a magnum of champagne, obviously well chilled as the condensation from the steam produced by the bath trickled down in the towel wrapped around the bottle. There were coverd dishes in the middle of the cloth, and two large cushions on either side. He turned to her and said "Before we start, maybe you'd like to get a little more comfortable?" and not waiting for her response, gently but firmly grasped her mound where the male appendage was still deeply inserted. She gasped, face flushed and breath quick, for his grasp once again moved the dildo and created sensations anew. He pulled her over to the bed, sat her down on one corner and whispered... "Let me have the honor of removing this for you." She smiled, sighed, and slowly parted her gown. She spread her knees as far apart as she comfortably could, reclined back on her elbows so she could watch, and slowly lifted her legs, revealing all to his sight. He bent down, softly kissed her hidden clit. She cooed with the touch of his mouth. He raised his head. "Watch..." he said softly. With the gentlest of movement, and with tremendous slowness, he took hold of the base of the rubber cock. The touch of his hand on the male false-flesh immediatley sent shimmers up the rubber shaft, reverberating in the walls of her again soaked cunt. She shuddered a deep sigh as he gently started removing the dildo. Inch by agonizing inch it was withdrawn, and the process took almost 5 minutes. Once out, she at first felt empty, and whimpered at the feeling. "It will once again be filled, m'lady, but next time, with one which is real" he said, smiling. She returned the smile. She wanted him now, and made motions to take him... "No...we must sup" he said standing, holding out his hand to hers. He led her to the repast, sat her on one of the cushions and then sat on the other. He poured two glasses with champagne, and toasting her silently, sipped his. She also tasted the sparkling liquid. He opened one of the covered dishes, producing a full platter of cold shrimp. Opening a smaller one, revealing spicy sauce, he took one of the shrimp, dipped it in the sauce and proceeded to hold it to his ladys lips. Slowly and sensually, she slid the flesh in her mouth. He tugged at the tail, popping the rest of the shrimp out of its shell with one deft movement. She lanquidly sucked in the succulent flesh, and munched contentedly on the delicious food. A little sauce was smeared on her lips, and her tongue snaked out to lick it up. This is how they shared the dinner, alernatley feeding each other. The spoke quietly, laughing at the right moments, looking in each others eyes in the way only lovers can. The magnum went quickly, and the shrimp were delicious. Hunger sated for now, at least the hunger for food, he stood. "Now, m'lady, please get dressed, and dress warmly!" This was the LAST thing she wanted to do, and began protest. "NO! Please, do as I say" and with that, he went to put on his own clothes. Reluctantly, she complied, and not knowing what was going on, she watched him dress, and dressed like him, in warm clothing. Once done, he took her hand and they left the room. Walking through the lobby, they went outside. There, in the front lot was a sleigh, black as night drawn by a team of horses the same color. A cabbie sat in the front stoop, reins held loosly in his hands. The back opening was open to the night air and chill, with a large plush seat snuggled deep in the rear, and thick heavy woolen blankets piled atop. Their breaths fogging quickly in the cold night air, they climbed aboard the sleigh, nested themselves deep within the blankets pulled up to their chins, and held each other for added warmth. Without a word, the cabbie cracked the reins and the team started off into the deep woods surrounding the inn on an already used path. The moon was full, and the prior nights snowfall sparkeld like thousands of pieces of glass. The night was beautiful, and it seemed made for these two at this, their time of being together. They talked quietly, absorbed by the night and all it had to offer, in each others arms. After a while, the driver stopped, horses stamping the snow from their hooves, breath clouding in quick bursts from their noses, and muttering that they'd much rather be home in their warm stalls with some fresh hay. He got out of the sleigh, and walking over to the edge of the path, removed some objects from the snow. Returning, she saw he held a bottle and two glasses, which he handed to her as he climbed once again back under the heavy blankets. He clumsily popped the bottle of champagne and poured the crisp, frigid liquid in to the two glasses. "To you.." he said. "And thee.." she replied. They linked arms and drank out of each others glass. The sleigh started up just then, and they laughed as they tried to untie their arms without spilling the liquid all over themselves. The rest of the ride was intermingled with sparse conversation about the beauty of the woods, small kisses stolen, and laughter. Later, after the sleigh had dropped them off, they went back to their room, which was now clear of the earlier repast. They changed, and snuggled under the down blankets in the bed, where they made love. They didn't fuck; they made slow passionate love to each others enjoyment and fullfilment, then slowly drifted off to sleep, in each others arms.... As she drifted off, she vowed to make his morning special, as he had made this day.